<aside> 💡 Coming to Portugal for studies or to complete scientific research, generally requires obtaining a visa, unless exempted.
Non-EU citizens wishing to study or conduct research in Portugal, including researchers with work contracts (for instance under Marie Curie fellowship/contract), need to request a visa at the nearest Portuguese Consulate/Embassy of their city of residence.
The type of visa required will depend on:
Inform yourself about the types of visas that apply to your case, required documents, and procedures at the nearest Portuguese Consulate/Embassy of your city of residence (search for location and contacts in the interactive map of the Portuguese Communities’ Office).
<aside> 💡 More information available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website about visas: https://pedidodevistos.mne.gov.pt/VistosOnline/
******If you are a visiting professor/ researcher, you can ask the University to send you an Acceptance Letter via email and/or by post.
The letter must be annexed to the remaining documents required by the Portuguese consular services, upon visa request. The visa request should be done by the visa applicants in as short a time as possible before the starting date of their stay in Portugal.
The visa request, the associated costs, and the collection of documents required by the consular services are the sole responsibility of the visa applicants.
The evaluation and validation of the requests and visa issues are the sole responsibility of the consular services.
These procedures apply to non-European Union citizens and have to be requested by the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) at Loja do Cidadão or other offices supporting the AIMA in your city. For that purpose, you have to schedule an interview 90 days before the expiry date of your permit/ visa. For the first time you request the Residence Permit, bear in mind that an appointment may have been scheduled when your VISA has been approved, in that case, you will deliver the appropriate documents to request your residence permit to AIMA’s offices.
<aside> 💡 NOTE: Take into account that the services might be overly booked, keep in mind to book your appointment at least 1 month before your VISA/Residence card expiring date.
*Documents and visas relating to stay in national territory, which expired from 22 February 2020, are valid until 30 June 2025 and are accepted by Portuguese public authorities, for all legal purposes, according to Article 16, paragraphs 1 and 8, [of Decree-Law No. 10-A/2020, of 13 March, in its current version.](https://aima.gov.pt/pt/documentos-e-vistos-validos-e-aceites-ate-30-de-junho-de-2025-valid-and-accepted-documents-and-visas-until-30-june-2025#:~:text=Therefore%2C all foreign nationals holding,purposes%2C until 30 June 2025.)*
| University of Coimbra, Coimbra | University of Minho, Guimarães | | --- | --- | | Student HUB
Personal attendance of Academic Management Services (SGA), University of Coimbra Social Services (SASUC) and International Relations Unit (DRI) is now available at the Student Hub. We have a team prepared to answer your questions and solve your problems. Schedule your appointment here.
📍 Student Hub is the space at UC that centralizes support services for students, candidates and Alumni.
🌍 Here you can find a dedicated AIMA service for the community of UC.
AIMA Office - Agency for Migration Integration and Asylum (AIMA) is done by prior appointment ONLY by: ☎️ Phone: 217 115 000 or 965 903 700 📧 E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Edificio da FMUC, R. Larga rés-do-chão, 3004-504 Coimbra, Portugal
Point 5 – Google MAP in ‣ | International Relations Office – University of Minho
It is responsible for the reception, treatment and dissemination of information concerning international cooperation programs, and for receiving, sending and assisting students by helping them with the preparation of their study periods.
Address: Campus of Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal Sofia Barbosa Tel.: 253 510 713 e-mail: [email protected]
Point 1 – Google MAP | | Support to AIMA – Agência para a Integração Migrações e Asilo at Loja da Cidadão
Services of AIMA at Loja do Cidadão.
Address: Avenida Central n.º 16/20 (à Avenida Fernão de Magalhães) 3000-617, Coimbra Monday – Friday from 9h30 to 17h00. Assistance only with appointment by calling 217 115 000 or 965 903 700; d[email protected]
Webpage: www.aima.gov.pt - Take into account that renovations of Residence Permit are available online
Point 1 –Google MAP in ‣ | Support to AIMA – Agência para a Integração Migrações e Asilo at Loja da Cidadão
Posto de Atendimento na Loja do Cidadão Address: Rua dos Granjinhos, nº 6, 4710-352 Braga Tel: 253 205 798 Monday – Friday from 8h30 to 19h30 and Saturday from 09h30 to 15h00.
Delegação Regional de Braga Address: Rua Mário Valença, nº 66, 4715-206 Braga Tel: 253 680 040 Monday – Friday from 10h00 to 12h00 and 14h00 to 16h00 For emails: [email protected] |