This is a list of important points around the city of Guimarães, that will be useful to complete your administrative duties and also solve usual dayly issues
Among other points, in the map below you can find:
- Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém: this is the main campus of UMinho at Guimarães. There is also another: Campus de Couros, where some Master courses associated with ISISE function, such as BIM A+ and FRP++
- Residências Universitárias de Azurém: this is the student’s accommodation in Guimarães
- Espaço Cidadão de Guimarães: where you can solve issues related to the general bureaucracy of a citizen, like making your Digital Signature. For issues related to Fiscal subjects (for example, getting your Fiscal Identification Number - NIF), you should go to Serviço de Finanças, and there are two agencies in Guimarães - check the map below. For issues related to Labour and Social subjects (for example, getting your Social Identification Number - NIS), you should look for Segurança Social - check the map below.
- Central de Camionagem: where you can get buses of all kinds - inside Guimarães, between cities, and even to other countries. If you want to get trains, check for Central de Comboios
- Health: if you need to see a doctor, you have multiple options. You may go to your local health centre, which is called Unidades de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados (UCSP). In Guimarães, the most central UCSP is the UCSP Amorosa - check the map below. To use it, you should have a health number (also called Número de Utente), which you can make in the Administrative Service of the UCSP (you should check your residence condition to make sure you are eligible for that - also, some countries have bilateral agreements with Portugal that allow you to use the public system automatically). Alternatively, you can also go to a private service, such as Cruz Verde (see map), which offers many specialities. Guimarães also has a Hospital nearby Guimarães Shopping (see map)