You can check on our website a list of our research projects, the lastest ISISE events such as conferences, meetings, publications, Videos, our Bianual Newsletters and our Anual Stats and Highlights report. Also, check our recruitment page. Keep an eye on it since exciting news is always coming up!

We are very active in sharing news, so keep an eye on the following communication channels:

  1. Mailing lists [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] (if not there, please ask to be added by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected])
  2. YouTube channel hit subscribe and share our videos!
  3. Our Facebook page like our page and interact with us!
  4. Our LinkedIn profile follow us!
  5. Our Twitter page follow us!

We very much encourage you to share any news related to your ISISE work. You just need to send the information to our dissemination e-mail [email protected]! 🤳


As an ISISE active member, we ask for your contribution to make the ISISE recognition and reputation grow even more, by promoting your ISISE-related work.

To ease the burden on acknowledgement rules, formatting and visual styling, we have created a dissemination manual that will guide you in how to be an outstanding ISISE representative. There you can find resources like:

  1. ISISE logo in .png
  2. PowerPoint templates in .pptx
  3. Examples on how to include acknowledgements in your publications
  4. How to include the affiliation in your publications
  5. Instructions on how to distribute your publications
  6. ISISE institutional background for video calls (so no one sees you are giving that important lecture from your backyard pool!)